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Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Friday 5th August 2022


Had a fantastic evening watching a production of Macbeth by the Red Rose Chain Company at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk. What more could you wish for an open-air production and young cast full of vitality. It couldn’t be described as a conventional production; the set was an extended camper van, there was singing and dancing and humour never easy with Macbeth! However, amongst all this the company still managed to convey the dark side of Macbeth.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention the puppets yes, the puppets the three witches were puppets each operated by three members of the cast.

I really recommend this company’s work and if all this wasn’t enough, they do a lot of work within the community. They are a not-for-profit organisation they offer:

“ young people and adults who are economically deprived, have disabilities and learning difficulties, and those struggling with mental health and addiction a platform and a voice to express themselves creatively and challenge the negative and restrictive ways in which they are often viewed by society.”


(Used by permission of Red Rose Chain)

We are living in dark times with very little to bring joy. So, if you get the opportunity to watch one of their performances get along and have a great time.

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