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It’s His Party: We can Cry if we want too. 7 July 2022

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Well, the day finally arrived when the Houdini of politics Prime Minister Johnson resigned.

Or did he?

First came the sycophants out of No. 10, there was not a dry eye in the head of Nadine Dorries and Rees-Mogg stood ramrod straight, stiff upper lip and jaw set firm. Looking for all the world that he may take out his trusty service revolver that he retained from his service in the 13th Hoorah Henries Regiment in 1832 and do the honourable thing.

Then the main act took centre podium and with his usual aplomb proceeded to talk utter unrepentant cobblers:

He agreed with Brady that choosing the new leader should begin now, a time table released next week and in the mean time he (Johnson) had appointed a new cabinet to serve as he will until a new leader is found. Which it must be agreed is a stroke of genius and speaks volumes for the Party as a whole as the previous Cabinet had resigned in droves, refusing to work with him because he was not fit for office. This included some of the new cabinet.

Then the droning began, all he did was great stuff and it was the fault of the Herd that has destroyed his master plan. He never specified who makes up this heard it can only be assumed to be everyone other than him who is a man of great vision.

Then a quick mention of Darwinism, what Darwin has done to get dragged into this is anyone’s guess. Then he got slightly confused as did the MSM on what his job title actually is, to assist it is Prime Minister not President. So, when he was going on about his huge majority and the MSM was whizzing around the country looking for sound bites from all the people who voted for him this was not in fact correct. The Conservative party selected him as an MP, a percentage of that constituency voted for him and it was the Conservative party that made him their leader. The perils of being a Prime Minister not a President.

Funnily enough he made his resignation speech without using the words ‘I resign’ so he has resigned without resigning and gone without going; Houdini strikes again. To which all the Conservatives who have been calling for him to resign are more than happy to keep working with him.

I am sure he will finish his time with the honesty, decency and honour which he has demonstrated throughout his Premiership, yea right.

I think we can expect the biggest fire sale ever roll up, roll up get contracts for your mates, increase your personal wealth, got friends or family that need jobs and there is always room in the Lords for one more or two.

On a closing note, some have been saying it is not a new leader but a general election we need, well it would be simpler. Trying to pick a leader from this bunch of Tories is an impossible task I agree.

At least a general election is easier the only politics available is neoliberalism so all you have to do is pick the colour; blue, red, yellow, green etc.

As easy as picking curtains.

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